TVA Courses

Built and delivered by professionals

Better coaches | better analysts | better players

Built and delivered by professional Analysts and Coaches, APFA courses are designed to help you improve your knowledge and understanding of how professional analysis is conducted and tied into modern day coaching practices. 

Introduction to MySQL for Sports

This will be an introduction to SQL course. The course assumes no prior knowledge of SQL (or even coding), although some experience of working with data in excel or similar is advisable.

Excel for Analysts

If you plan to, or already work as, a Performance Analyst then you need to be great at organising your information. The more time you spend on this stuff the less you spend with your athletes which is precisely why you need to invest in your Excel skills today.

Reporting and presentation of results is a key task for any analyst and as Excel is one of the most widely used programmes in the world it’s the perfect platform for you to explore, evolve and prototype your data.

Video Analysis for Beginners

Discover the simplest, most effective way to learn Video & Performance analysis. Complete the course in your own time and on any device. This a unique opportunity to learn and improve as a coach or budding analyst.